Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Student Blogging

Hey everyone, on a different note from graphics, I am here today to discuss the powerfull art of blogging for students! I am a fellow student and a new blogger and would like to share my opinion of blogging in relation to this article; http://murcha.wordpress.com/2008/03/14/20-reasons-why-students-should-blog/.

     To start off, I completely agree with the article saying that blogging is a fantastic writing experience for students. Blogging is prep for the future! It is helpful in ways such as teaching students how to use technologie to communicate, read and write. Writing is different online because one, you use a keyboard. I much prefer a keyboard to paper because it is relaxing in a way, as well as it does not hurt your hands after a while. Another great thing about a keyboard is that you use both your hands to type, which keeps your brain engaged as well as helps with cordination. Another way writing is different online is because it has tools such as spell corrector which I do my best not to use, so I can practice. Spell corrector is a fantastic safety net though! Also writing and reading online gives you imediate access to translaters, dictionarys, web recources and many other fantastic tools.

     Back to the subject of why students should blog, blogging gives kids who are not very interested in writing, to experience a different way to write. I for one was never a big fan of writing but digital writing is a whole different wrold which I love! Blogging also lets students reach into the world wide web and introduce what they know and want to share, to the rest of the world. Writing and reading class work makes students feel very boxed in. With the world at your fingertips, why not share to most of it rather than a single class or school. Blogging makes kids feel more important this way, which I do believe they are!

     Blogging does have serious danger involved in the fact that kids could share to much information. This is easy to do when you are talking about your life on a blog. As a suggestion, I would start bloging with a topic other than yourself so students can learn the safe zones before talking about their personal life.

     So in conclusion, I really hope you as an adult or student, try out blogging. Don't let the idea of writing take you down when you have the opportunity to write in a new and exciting way. Blogging shares your ideas with the rest of the world, and the more ideas and oppinions in this world, the more everyone learns and grows with. I hope you try it some time as I am today and hopefully for a while!


  1. I am really excited for your blog because I don't know much about graphic art. I think it is wonderful that you know so much and are interested in teaching others!

  2. I really liked your post about students blogging. I totally agree about the whole hands thing, like how they both get to work and also they dont get tired and cramp up. I can't wait to see what you post about graphics and such!

